Seminar to examine worship styles and spaces

Seminar to examine worship styles and spaces

NBRS+PARTNERS is hosting a half day seminar examining the reinvention of worship spaces to accommodate the ever-evolving worship styles for congregations which now span across five generations.

The GREGARIOUS TOO: 5GenChurch seminar, on May 8 at Willoughby Uniting Church, will investigate what makes each generation tick and will explore the concepts of building and adapting the infrastructure that can support an intergenerational ministry within church communities.

It is the outcome of a team of experts who have collaborated to provide practical tools for church building teams, to guide them through the process of planning and building new facilities.

It specifically targets ministry staff, church strategists, church elders, parish councillors, project managers, educators, building and planning professionals.

Mark McCrindle, one of Australia’s foremost social researchers, will help decipher and examine how 5 Generations Mash together.

Steve Cree, the Senior Pastor at Creek Road Presbyterian, will talk about Turning it Upside Down. His insights come from an innovative strategy of activating specialist staffing for both the “Horizontal Pathway” of “Connect Grow Serve” and the “Vertical Pathway” of kids, youth and young adults.

Tim Sims will seek to Broaden Our Horizons to help activate congregations.

Andrew Duffin, an architect, will illustrate how to Design for Intergenerational Congregations and will interview Justin Moffatt, Senior Minster of St Philip’s York Street who has Rediscovered The Lost Generation.

James Ward will wrap up the seminar examining how to Communicate And Connect with the people in your suburb.

This year’s event will be held in Willoughby Uniting Church, a new, relevant and community-centred church designed by NBRS+PARTNERS to address the worship needs of 5Generations.

Delegates will be able experience a real project and discuss the benefits.

GREGARIOUS TOO: 5GenChurch is an event for those teams who are building their ministry infrastructure.

The seminar will be held on May 8, 9 am to 1 pm, at Willoughby Uniting Church, 10 Clanwilliam Street, Willoughby, New South Wales.

Bookings are $45 at

For more information watch the video and contact James Ward 02 9922 2344


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