The Men’s Long Lunch is an event designed to encourage an open and frank conversation about mental health and mental illness in men.
With only 27.5% of men with symptoms of mental illness accessing professional services, it’s crucial we start destigmatising mental health in men and start talking more frankly about mental health with friends and family for support, and to offer support.
Uniting Financial Services Executive Director Warren Bird said “The Lifeline Macarthur’s Men’s Long Lunch event is a great opportunity to highlight the issues surrounding men’s mental health. UFS has a modest budget for sponsorships and we’re pleased to be able to provide support to this event.”

“Sadly the statistics show that men are three times more likely to suicide than women and twice as likely to die because of drug and alcohol abuse, yet they are less likely to seek assistance than women. Any opportunity to talk about these issues and to reach out to support people in innovative ways can only assist the community view mental illness in a different light and hopefully reduce the byproducts of mental illness such as drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence and the tragic impact of suicide on families.”
Guests will enjoy live music, great food and inspiring speakers. Guest speakers include Pete Wilson, Erik Horrie and Deputy Commissioner of the Mental Health Commission of NSW, Allan Sparkes.
Book your tickets online at