United Theological College Supports Theology Students in Beirut

United Theological College Supports Theology Students in Beirut

Each day, students and staff at United Theological College (UTC) pursue their studies in the peaceful, leafy environment of the Centre for Ministry at North Parramatta.

This is a marked contrast to the students and staff at the Near East School of Theology (NEST) which is situated on the western tip of Beirut, only a short distance from the Mediterranean Sea. As their librarian, Liza Titizian recently wrote in an email to Moira Bryant, Manager of UTC’s Theological Library, “the situation here is very difficult these days… I’m praying for God’s intervention and peace.”

NEST was formed in 1932 as an interconfessional Protestant Seminary to train pastors and church workers for ministry in the churches and other evangelical organizations in the Middle East. It also provides continuing education for pastors and church workers in active service, and for lay people.

During 2023, Rev’s Clive and Mary Pearson visited NEST with Rev Gaby Kobrossi of Bankstown Uniting Church. Although they found an excellent print collection in the library, they also found that most students had been advised to return to their home countries because of the worsening political situation. They now cannot access library resources to support their study.

To encourage the students and staff of NEST, UTC began providing them with access to our eBook collection. Since the start of 2024, Moira Bryant and Liza Titizian have worked closely to achieve this goal. The Near East School of Theology now has access to a wide range of eBooks thanks to the efforts of these two remarkable librarians.

The initial licence fee for these digital resources was covered by the Armenian Missionary Association of Australia. We now need to look elsewhere to cover the next subscription. If you feel moved to support this initiative financially, please contact Moira at moirab@nswact.uca.org.au to receive our banking details for transfer to the Synod’s Library Trust Fund.

Rev. Dr Peter Walker, UTC Principal


1 thought on “United Theological College Supports Theology Students in Beirut”

  1. Doug and Isabel Hewitt

    We have also been given accommodation at the NEST in Beirut when we were visiting Lebanon in 2002 as members of a group from the NSW Ecumenical Council. The purpose of our visit was to show solidarity with the Near East Council of Churches as funds raised through the Christmas Bowl in Australia supported projects of the NECC, including NEST. We also spent time in the Bekaa Valley south of Beirut at a school for disabled children, some of whom has been injured in earlier bombing by the Israeli Defence Forces. Once again in recent weeks the Bekaa Valley has been the target of IDF bombs. When will the horror of war end and a ceasefire be achieved? We will continue to give support to the suffering people of Lebanon.

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