Roundup: Fracking for gas

Roundup: Fracking for gas

Coal seam gas mining

Traditionally, extracting coal seam gas has used less water than mining for coal. But with the rise of hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” as a way to obtain hard to access gas, water use and the potential for pollution has also increased.

Coal-seam gas grew too quickly: Ferguson

Minister Martin Ferguson has admitted the coal-seam gas industry is growing too quickly, and has called for strict adherence to scientific principles in its development.

Fracking God’s creation

Where should faith community stand in battle between entrepreneurs and environmentalists?

Beware fracking’s allure

“Cleaner” fuel alternative not necessarily safer.

Conventional gas drilling has become ‘unconventional’

How does this affect you?

A call for faithful stewardship of God’s creation

Reflections on natural gas drilling and leasing from the US National Council of Churches in Christ.

The fracking song

My water’s on fire tonight.

What is fracking?

While companies often produce models for an optimum network of fracture pathways, experiments have shown fracture growth can often become unpredictable and uncontrollable. In addition, the chemicals and gasses released in the process have been proven to be harmful to God’s people, God’s animals, and God’s Creation.


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