“A prolonged and careful study of Romans means finding that salvation is more complex, more cosmic, more challenging
than we have usually imagined.”
In his latest Love, Rinse, Repeat episode for Insights, Liam Miller has a conversation with esteemed New Testament scholar Beverly Roberts Gaventa and talks about her book, When in Romans: An Invitation To Linger with the Gospel According to Paul. They discuss why Dr Gaventa was drawn (and remains drawn) to Paul, her big picture approach to Romans centering on the themes of salvation, Israel, ethics, and community.

Also discussed are the connections between Paul’s letter and Terrence Malick’s film Tree of Life, taking seriously the “all” in conversations on salvation, writing on Romans in the shadow of Der Romerbrief, and why Phoebe goes to show that Pauline theology is not just a guy thing.
Beverly Roberts Gaventa (PhD, Duke University) is Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She is also Emerita Professor of New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary. Gaventa served as president of the Society of Biblical Literature in 2016 and is the author or editor of more than a dozen books, including Our Mother Saint Paul, Mary: Glimpses of the Mother of Jesus, and commentaries on 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Acts.
The film Tree of Life is currently streaming for free on SBS On Demand.
Liam Miller is the Northern Hub Mission Resource Worker for the Sydney Central Coast Presbytery.