The Uniting Church’s commitment to the well-being of the environment arises out of its belief that God is the Creator of the world in which we live and move and have our being. This ‘groaning’ creation is God’s ‘good’ creation. (Fifteenth Assembly, 2018)
You are invited to participate in a conversation about your climate concerns with your Federal MP, some time between now and the next Federal election.
What this is about
The Uniting Church has been committed to care for the environment (God’s good creation) since its beginning in 1977. And not just the church as a whole, the vast majority of Uniting Church members (81 percent), see care for creation as an essential part of mission.That care involves not just personal actions like reducing waste, recycling, or joining the local bush care group. It includes applying our faith convictions to the big issues of the day- like climate change, and seeking to shape the policies of our whole state and nation.
That’s why the Uniting Climate Action Network (UCAN) is encouraging Uniting Church members to have Climate Conversations with their Federal MP, before the next election. Ideally, a group of Uniting Church members would be involved in each electorate, so you can support each other. Conversations could be via a meeting with your MP, a candidates’ forum or other gathering. You could organise conversations with other likeminded churches, groups or members of your community.
The Uniting Advocacy Team will offer resources, support and training to help you. But at its core this is simply about Uniting Church members speaking up about why action on climate matters to them and what they want to see our next Federal government do about it (regardless of who that is).
If this interests you, we would love to see you at our on-line gathering where we will explain more.
Why this matters
Climate change poses a big challenge to our nation and world. We see its impacts happening here and around the globe. The most recent IPCC report has reinforced the need for urgent action.
Because its big and affects all of us, we want to know our political leaders have a plan for how we respond, one informed by the best science and all our interests, not just the interest of some groups. Hear NSW Environment Minister, Matt Kean share something of his vision of what is possible at the recent Better Futures forum.
We should help shape the plan that is required, because as a church community we have important wisdom and convictions to share. Having Climate Conversations is one way we can do that. We look forward to seeing you on the 25th.
If you have any questions or want to know more, contact Jon O’Brien on 0477 725 528 or at
Climate Conversations takes place on Wednesday 25 August, 7.00pm – 8.15pm Via Zoom. You can register here and the Zoom link will be sent to you.