On Tuesday, 14 September, Dr Jon Day (Adjunct Senior Research Fellow) joins Myree Sam (Consultant – First Nations Education) in a forum organised by the Faith Ecology network.
The event will offer Scientific and First Nations perspectives on the magnificence of the Great Barrier Reef, the threats it faces, and how to respond.
Held via Zoom, the event offers a night of expert input, small group discussion, a Q and A session, and an invitation to join in a global day of action organised by the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC).
This event is part of the Deep Listening series, following a similar event with Andrew Skeoch.
Dr Jon Day was the director of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and will speak about the Reef, its management challenges, and the key threats spelt out in the latest outlook report. Myree Sam is the First Nations Education consultant for Catholic Education Services in Cairns, and will speak about First Nations Sustainable practices/protocols and connectedness to Land Sea and Sky.
The Faith Ecology Network (FEN) is an Australian hub for strengthening an interfaith dialogue between science and religion in the interests of advancing ecological consciousness and care for the Earth.
‘The Reef’ takes place on Tuesday 14 September, 5pm-6:45pm via Zoom. Tickets are available here now for free or by donation.