Your call is important to us

Your call is important to us

Rev. Greer Hudson is the new Period of Discernment Co-ordinator, a role that sits within the Vital Leadership Team. Starting on 31 January, her role is to encourage and empower discernment for lay and ordained ministry, working with Presbyteries and congregations.

“This is a newly formed role coming out of the Synod’s renewed vision for formation” Rev. Hudson explained.

“Working in collaboration with Presbyteries and congregations, this role is about building capacity, supporting, resourcing, and encouraging. It involves supporting Presbyteries as they faithfully oversee this important phase of formation, equipping mentors as they walk alongside those engaging in Periods of Discernment, supporting cohorts as they explore their gifts and opportunities for corresponding service, and inviting people into discernment as a way of life. I will be working closely with Presbyteries, mentors, and Period of Discernment cohorts, and visiting congregations across the Synod.”

The Period of Discernment (POD) is a yearlong process where people spend a year focusing on discerning God’s call on their lives. It is mandatory for all ministry candidates, but is open to anyone.

“I am looking forward to working alongside a wide variety of people as they discern what their gifts are and how they might be able to offer and use these gifts to serve the church and their communities,” Rev. Hudson said.

“It is exciting to see people discover more of who they are, who they have been made to be and what their life experiences have shaped in them. The Period of Discernment is a process of learning. It is an invitation to grow.”

“What a blessing to be able to help people (not just individually, but in the context of community) to discover who they are, what they are capable of, and what they might be able to offer to others. For some the PoD can lead to the clarification, articulation and celebration of a sense of a call to lay or formal ministry. For some the PoD can help to enliven their sense of purpose in a broader sense of their life, not just in ministry or vocation, but in who they are as a person.”

Rev. Hudson said there were advantages to undertaking a Period of Discernment.

“There is an incredible sense of aliveness that comes when you are able to be fully and authentically yourself, when a deep sense of who you are, what you can do and what you love to do, aligns with being able to serve others in ways that meet their needs,” Rev. Hudson said.

“There is a peace and joy to be found in living out a strong sense of purpose in your day to day life, be it in work, ministry, volunteering, or family life. The Period of Discernment is one pathway to support people, in the context of church community, to intentionally clarify their gifts and how they might be called to use those gifts to serve others.” 

“In this new role, I am excited about the opportunity of working alongside Presbyteries to breathe new life into the Period of Discernment so that it may be an exciting invitation into growth and depth.”

For more information about the Period of Discernment, visit the official website here.

To contact Rev. Greer Hudson, email her here.


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