Discerning God’s call in this time and place

Discerning God’s call in this time and place

Rev. Patty Lawrence is the new Period of Discernment Coordinator, UME has announced. 

“My first experience of the Period of Discernment was when I was exploring where God was calling me,” she said. 

Rev. Lawrence told Insights her own experience undertaking a Period of Discernment (POD) had proven to be helpful. 
“In 2001, I enrolled in a POD,” she recalled. 
“Meeting regularly with a mentor was really helpful for me.”  

Rev. Lawrence is the second person to hold this role, after Rev. Greer Hudson, who recently accepted a call to ministry at Adamstown Uniting Church. Rev. Lawrence said she is, “looking forward to meeting with people, and congregations, wanting to be intentional about discerning God’s call for them in this time and place.” 
“Rev. Greer Hudson set a great foundation for this Synod in her work in updating and revitalising the POD.”  

“As an ordained minister, I have loved being able to let people know that they are known and loved and gifted by God. That God’s grace and hope and forgiveness are for everyone. One of the joys in ministry for me has been walking alongside people as they become more aware of who they are in God, beloved and valued, and seeing them live into this new awareness.”  


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