Bonhoeffer Congress calls for submissions
People wanting to present at the Bonhoeffer Congress in January 2024 have until 1 March to submit their proposals.
Subjects can include:
How can Bonhoeffer’s theology assist with understanding and respond to systemic racism and the legacies of colonialism?
What insights might his theology offer with respect to the climate emergency?
How can Bonhoeffer help us attend to our responsibilities to refugees and asylum seekers?
How can Bonhoeffer’s theology and witness assist with resisting new forms of political authoritarianism?
What are the implications of Bonhoeffer’s theology and witness for the church-community in its contemporary settings?
Dr Michael Mawson is one of the Congress’ organisers.
“Bonhoeffer is probably the most influential and widely read theologian of the 20th century,” he said.
Dr Mawson previously told Insights that Bonhoeffer’s theology had remained popular in the 21st century.
“Part of the appeal to his work is that it is accessible, and yet provides profound and useful insights for negotiating the complexities of Christian life. Christians have continued to draw on him in a wide variety of contexts and struggles,” he said.
“Anyone is welcome to the Congress—both to contribute or to come along. The event is not just for academics.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German theologian jailed by the Nazis. He was executed shortly before the end of World War Two, making him a 20th Century Christian martyr. Bonhoeffer’s works have been translated into multiple languages, with Letters and Papers From Prison, Life Together, and The Cost of Discipleship among his best known books.
For information about how to propose a paper visit the official website here.
Proposals can be submitted to