Recognising and celebrating years of dedication: Ministry Recognition service Synod 2023
The Synod meeting has acknowledged key milestones for ordained ministers.
In a ceremony filled with gratitude and admiration, Moderator, Rev. Faaimata Havea Hilaru and General Secretary, Rev. Jane Fry, acknowledged the tireless efforts and dedicated commitment by the members of the ministry via their outpouring service over the years. The Ministry recognition service conducted today was filled with poignant moments that highlighted the significant contributions made by these individuals over the years.
“When I was ordained as a minister in 2013, I received a calling to serve at North Ryde Community Uniting Church,” Rev. Havea Hiliau said.
“Just before my induction service, I had a coffee meeting with someone who said to me – there were five other ministers who were members of this congregation. Four of them were about to retire, and one of them held the position of a presbytery minister. Naturally, as a newcomer, this information filled me with a some uneasiness.
“However, as I begin my ministry at North Ryde and spent time with these retiring ministers, I began to appreciate the profound wisdom, joy, and values they had accumulated over the years. My respect for them grew immensely, and today, we gather here to express our heartfelt gratitude to give thanks.”
The Uniting Church of NSW and ACT celebrates the outstanding achievement of the below Ministers:
Ministers of the Word & Deacons Ordained since the 2021 Synod
Rev. Sunil Baek
Rev. Hee Won Chang
Rev. Myeongcheol Oh
Rev. Sharon Jacobs
Rev. Jon Jayatilake Owen
Rev. Sam Sadrata
Rev. Gail Hinton
Rev. Kyungtae (Tay) Lee
Rev. Patricia Rooney
Rev. Allison Forrest
Ministers admitted into the Uniting Church of Australia since the 2021 Synod
Rev.Dr. Eojin Lee
Rev. Glen Spencer
Rev. Dale Yardy
Rev.Dr Karina Kreminski
Rev. Chi Wai (Tennyson) Chan
Rev. Brian Woodhouse
Rev.Dr Don Saines
Ministers transferred from other Synods into the NSW-ACT Synod
Rev. Ronald Watson
Rev. Elisabeth McMillan
Retired Ministers of the Word, Deacons, Deaconesses, and Lay Pastors
Rev. Terence Corkin
Rev. Jennifer Burns
Rev. John Raymond Candy
Rev. Malcolm Hausler
Rev. Paul Cosier
Rev. Graham Long
Rev Dr. Rodney Pattenden
Rev. Rhonda White
Rev. Gerald (Jerry) Duncan
Rev. Graham Lawrence
Rev. Martin Goodwin
Rev. Norman Grandin
Rev. Anthony Shumack
Rev. Lorna Martin
Rev. Graeme Gardiner
Rev. Robert Buchan
Rev. Frank van der Korput
Rev. Donald Everhart
Rev. Niall Reid
Rev. Peter Robinson
Rev.Dr Mele Koloa Fakahua-Ratcliffe
Rev. Stephen Estherby
Rev. Kenneth Mark Beaton
Rev. Renwick James Schmid
Rev. Michael Charles Barnes
Rev. Laurel Barr
Rev. Jan Reeve
Rev. Josefa Mar
Rev. Ian Weeks
Rev. Robin Davies
Rev. Kenneth Brown
Rev. Duncan McDiarmid
Rev. Ronald Alexander Schepis
Rev. Stephen Larkin
Rev. Judith Redman
Rev. Peter Davis
Rev. Brian Hayes
Rev. Dr John Squires
Rev. Assoc. Prof Clive Pearson
40 Years
Rev. Raymond Hughes
Rev. John Bate
Rev. Sang Duk Choi
Rev. Gregory Crawford
Rev. Garry Derkenne
Rev. Kevin Dilks
Rev. Claire Duncan
Rev.Dr Gerald (Jerry) Duncan
Rev. Dr Kerry Enright
Rev. Neil Ericksson
Rev. Glenn Farquhar-Nicol
Rev. Peter Fox
Rev. Nicholas Fried
Rev. Miriam Howard-Baker
Rev. Sun Il Jeong
Rev. David King
Rev.Dr Seong Choon Lew
Rev. Murray Lund
Rev. Stuart Mason
Rev.Dr Margaret Mayman
Rev. Dr Dorothy McRae-McMahon
Rev. Nancy Morley
Rev. Ian Pearson
Rev. Assoc. Prof Clive Pearson
Rev. Ian Robinson
Rev.Dr Stephen French Rowe
Rev. David Russel
Rev. Brian Smith
Rev. Leigh Steer
Rev. Alison Todd
Rev. Christopher Udy
Rev. David Williams
Rev. Chee Keong Yong
Rev. Dr Marian Zaunbrecher
50 Years
Rev. Margaret Bakhsh
Rev. John Blair
Rev. Eric Drury
Rev. Malcolm Fellows
Rev. Lawrence Fitzgerald
Rev. Raymond Green
Rev. Prof James Haire
Rev. Gregor Henderson
Rev. Robert Hincks
Rev. Rex Hunt
Rev.Dr Ross Kingham
Rev. Dr Sang Taek Lee
Rev.Dr Roderick Mitchell
Rev. William Moore
Rev. Dr Arthur G Pearce
Rev.Dr Peter Anthony Powell
Rev. Vernon Prowse
Rev.Dr Alan Russel
Rev. David Sloane
Rev.Dr John Webster
Rev. John Weston
Rev. Joyce Wheat
Rev. Peter Woodward
60 Years
Rev. Milton Brown
Rev. Grahame Ellis
Rev. Alan Jackson
Rev. Dr David Manton
Rev. Norman McDonald
Rev. William Rosier
Rev. Eric Stevenson
70 Years
Rev. Keith Bergin
Rev. Ronald Page
1 thought on “Recognising and celebrating years of dedication: Ministry Recognition service Synod 2023”
Wonderful to read that Rev. Grahame Ellis has notched up 60 years since he was ordained.