Homelessness Action Now
This week is Homelessness Week in Australia. This is an annual week where homelessness services and community groups raise awareness of the impact of homelessness, and the solutions needed to end homelessness, and advocate for change. The theme for 2024 is “Homelessness Action Now.”
Maybe it still surprises you to know that the Byron Shire has the highest number of rough sleepers in any LGA in NSW and this has been the case for the past 2 years now. This issue is close to home for our community and as is often the case, we currently have a few people sleeping under our verandas and seeking shelter on our premises. The situation nationally is dire and we have to admit that we have a crisis on our hands. Many are advocating for the government to step up and fund support for this situation and this is essential for the situation to be addressed. But what can we do as individuals or community groups?
Yes, the issues are complex. Yes, wrap around support services are needed and yes, funding is essential. However, at the heart of this crisis are people. That’s right, people, like you and me. Sometimes in our thinking we overlook this starting point. We need to move away from using phrases like “the homeless” or “rough sleepers.” Language is important. We need to move away from judgments or overlooking what is happening on our own streets. We are talking about people. We need to remember that homelessness is not about a problem to be solved but about people to be met.
One of the key needs for people in this situation is connection as a result of the loneliness that they experience. Let’s make it our intention to provide connections, services and support for people who are vulnerable and experiencing homelessness. As individuals we may not have the resources or experience at this stage to make a huge difference to the situation in our own neighbourhood.
However, we can provide connection, safe spaces and meet people where they are. Let’s take action now by showing care, generosity and love in action and may we all seek opportunities to express love to those who are vulnerable in our community, seeing the situation not as a problem to be fixed but as real people to be met.
Phil Dokmanovic is Minister at Bangalow Byron Bay Uniting Church.
This piece first appeared on the Byron Shire Uniting Churches website. View the original here.