First platypus translocation in NSW results in breeding success

First platypus translocation in NSW results in breeding success

Scientists and researchers have discovered a juvenile platypus in the Royal National Park, less than a year after ten platypuses were returned to the park where they had been locally extinct for more than 50 years.

The female was captured during a survey to assess the health of the translocated platypuses and confirm potential offspring.

Over three nights, researchers from UNSW Sydney, Taronga Conservation Society Australia, and WWF Australia, with the support of NSW National Parks and Wildlife, laid nets in ‘hot spots’ along the waterways of the Royal National Park. They were placed in areas where monitoring had indicated regular activity.

The little platypus is in excellent condition, weighed in at 850 grams and is estimated to be about six months old. Her age aligns with the end of the platypus breeding season and means she would have only just emerged from her burrow.

Before she was returned to the river, researchers assessed her body condition, took several samples and fitted her with a microchip for future identification.

During the surveys, researchers also captured an adult female platypus named Delphi in the same area, who was also in good condition. Genetic analysis will confirm the juvenile’s parents, providing valuable insights into the breeding patterns and genetic health of the population.

Ongoing monitoring and tracking have confirmed all ten of the original platypuses are still active, with a couple recently venturing beyond the detection range.

The breeding success is a significant milestone for the program and testament to the health of the park. Further reintroductions are planned over the coming years.

The return of platypus to the Royal National Park was the first translocation program for platypus in NSW and aimed to re-establish a self-sustaining and genetically diverse platypus population. The platypuses were sourced from across NSW to ensure genetic diversity and taken to Taronga Zoo’s purpose-built platypus refuge before being released into the park.

UNSW Dr Gilad Bino is a UNSW scientist and project lead.

“Finding the juvenile platypus is a clear sign the reintroduced population is not just surviving but thriving, adapting well to their environment, and contributing to the genetic diversity and resilience of this iconic species,” Dr Bino said.

“The success of this reintroduction underscores the vital role that targeted conservation actions, such as translocations, rescues, and reintroductions, play in the preservation of the platypus across its range.”

Dr Phoebe Meagher is a Conservation Officer at Taronga Conservation Society.

“The platypus is such an iconic and enchanting animal, but sadly is being hit from all sides – from climate change, droughts, bushfires and floods, through to habitat fragmentation and pollution,” Dr Meagher said.

“Being able to refine and learn from conservation translocations so we can step in and assist vulnerable populations in times of need is absolutely critical.”


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