The “home” of Jesus, a royal seal of Hezekiah and a Goliath gate are three artefacts among the most notable recent discoveries of biblical archaeology.
You might be surprised to learn that dwellings, crockery, inscriptions and other ancient elements related to the Bible are still being found. These significant discoveries have been supporting the historic claims made throughout the Bible.
This year, fabrics were found preserved in Israel’s Timna Valley, a site linked with the reigns of King David and Solomon. The famous fight David had with Philistine giant Goliath shot back into headlines last year when archaeologists in Israel found a city gate that dates to the time when they lived.
Among the most notable discoveries has been a royal seal believed to belong to Hezekiah, the king of Judah recorded in 2 Kings 18-20, 2 Chronicles 29-32 and Isaiah 36-39. This is the first seal of an ancient Israelite or Judean king to be found.
Archaeologists confirmed a house excavated in Nazareth includes mosaics crafted between the 4th and 7th Centuries. The mosaic’s design indicates Jesus was believed to have grown up there. While that status is impossible to verify, those who crafted the mosaic evidently believed Jesus was an earlier resident of the dwelling.
Not only have pieces of biblical history been found, so too have historic pieces of the Bible. Although it was dug up during the 1970s, a fragment of an old manuscript of Leviticus has only been dated in the past 12 months. New technology revealed it was written 1500 years ago, cementing it as one of the oldest copies of a biblical book.