Poker machine gambling in NSW causes enormous harm to individuals, families, and communities. But up to now, the powerful gambling industry has been able to stifle efforts at reform.
But that’s changing. For the first time poker machine reform is an election issue with both major parties having proposals to address the problem.
But what are the issues involved and why does it matter? To answer these questions Uniting and the NSW and ACT Synod are hosting a pre-election on-line forum on poker machine reform, this coming Monday evening, 20 March.
Speakers include Kate Seselja from the Alliance for Gambling Reform and Rev. Stu Cameron from Wesley Mission. They will unpack the problem and the solutions, and explain what everyday people can do to help achieve positive change and reduce the damage inflicted by pokies.
If you would like more information, please contact Jon O’Brien in the Uniting Advocacy team at or on 0477 725 528. You can register using this link.