A Restless Faith

A Restless Faith

Keith Mascord, Keith Mascord (www.arestlessfaith.com.au/)

The Anglican Church dominates religious life in Sydney. For many Christians the Sydney Anglican Church is a source of security and inspiration and for others it’s a mystery or even somewhat concerning.

It’s rare to hear an insider’s account of the church that’s undeniably critical as well as lovingly affectionate for the people and the church institutions.

Keith Mascord’s A Restless Faith is an autobiographical account of his experience in a church that he served for over three decades. The book provides a wonderfully nostalgic narrative of his early years in a loving Christian family and formative time as a passionate Christian student and teacher.

He also reflects on his years in ministry in the Anglican pastorate, teaching at Moore College and service in various organisations, including Mission Australia.

This story would be familiar for many who have been immersed in evangelicalism with Keith acknowledging the many positive experiences and people this brought to his life.

It’s also a book that tells the story of Keith’s search for truth and quest for a faith community that’s open to living with uncertainty and restlessness.

To this end Keith reflects on key theological debates and challenges an evangelical interpretation of the scriptures presents. He gently offers these and tells the story of the other people he has found who have asked similar questions or been hurt by the inability of the church to accommodate different scriptural interpretations.

He charts his ongoing dialogue with church leaders about their inability to graciously accommodate different Christian expressions within the Sydney Anglican communion.

Keith has provided an interesting insight into Sydney Anglicanism and a heart-warming account of his faith journey. He also offers an important reminder for Christians of all persuasions of the need for openness to difference.

Doug Taylor


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