Last month, the Risk team took a trip down the beautiful South Coast to deliver a workshop on Property risks to the Illawarra Presbytery Church Council. Participants got down to Risky Business during the afternoon session, when they got to participate in a new board game developed by the Risk, Safety and Compliance team – Riskyville!
In Riskyville, players have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of a wide range of Safe Church matters including Risk, Insurance, Property, Work Health Safety and Child Safety. The objective of the game is simple: Answer questions correctly for the chance to roll the dice and move forward. The first team to move around the entire board and arrive at “Safe Church” is declared the winner!
Saturday’s Riskyville competition was truly a reflection of the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. Team One seemed destined for failure early in the game, as their fearless leader couldn’t seem to find any luck rolling a value higher than 1 for his team. Despite falling behind early, they persisted slow and steady along the board with some excellent answers. With a bit of luck, they managed to come from behind to win in the final, nail-biting moments.
Pictured [above] are our three willing members of Church Council who volunteered themselves as human pawns on the life-sized board game. Congrats to our winning team, and to everyone who participated for demonstrating a solid understanding of Safe Church matters!
A special thanks to all Church Council members of Illawarra Presbytery for your participation and enthusiasm on Saturday.