The #MeToo campaign, Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un, and Colin Kaepernick are among the names shortlisted for TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year.
Running since 1927, the event recognises that year’s most newsworthy person, group, or idea.
While Person of the Year acknowledges newsworthiness, it is not an endorsement. Adolf Hitler’s 1938 nomination read that he had pursued “an audacious, defiant, ruthless foreign policy.”
Donald Trump previously suggested that TIME had told him he was under consideration for Person of the Year, but that he had declined a requisite photo shoot and interview. For their part, TIME denied approaching the President. “The President is incorrect about how we choose Person of the Year,” it wrote. “TIME does not comment on our choice until publication.”
TIME named Trump Person of the Year in 2016. In an opinion piece explaining the decision, Nancy Gibbs wrote that Trump had succeeded in “framing tomorrow’s political culture by demolishing yesterday’s.”
Colin Kaepernick is an NFL player who famously ‘took a knee’ (kneeled rather than stood in reverence) during the United States’ national anthem last year. According to Kaepernick, this move was a protest against police brutality and racial inequality. He also pledged to donate $1 million to charities benefiting people of colour and the oppressed. These included DREAM, Coalition for the Homeless, and War on Children.
The #MeToo campaign highlights the high number of women who have been sexually harassed. The current version of the campaign has been spearheaded by actress Alyssa Milano in response to widespread allegations of harassment and abuse in Hollywood.
TIME Magazine name their Person of the Year on Thursday 7 December (Wednesday in the United States).
Jonathan Foye is Insights’ Editor