There Be Dragons: Blood and Country

There Be Dragons: Blood and Country

(M) Eagle Entertainment DVD/BD

Opus Dei, meaning “the work of God,” is a secretive and somewhat controversial Catholic order whose public image has not been helped by its portrayal in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. The somewhat confusingly titled There Be Dragons provides an alternate, positive portrayal, largely through its focus on the early life of the order’s founder, Saint Josemaria Escriva. This sympathetic portrayal is unsurprising given two of the film’s producers are Opus Dei members.

British director Roland Joffé hasn’t been at his best since the mid-1980s when he made The Killing Fields and The Mission back to back, getting Oscar nominations for both. But he has always been willing to explore Christian and spiritual themes in his filmmaking, particularly against historical backdrops. There Be Dragons explores themes of forgiveness, conscience and the morality of war against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War — a perfect match for him.

It parallels the stories of two childhood friends, one a saint and one a sinner, during the Spanish Civil War: Josemaria Escriva, a priest forced to flee Spain over the Pyranees in order to escape persecution, and Manolo Torres, a spy who has infiltrated a group of fascist rebels. Of the two it is Manolo, a fictional character introduced by Joffé, who becomes the real protagonist despite being unlikeable. This is problematic as his character lacks clarity — you don’t know what motivates him — and is therefore he is difficult to emotionally engage with. Escriva is also very simplistic, two-dimensional character. He never seems to be conflicted about making what should be difficult decisions to do the right thing in the face of terrible situations, which reduces the emotional impact of the stance he takes.

Generally, the problem which this film struggles to overcome is a convoluted story which lacks context and clarity. The Spanish Civil War was a complicated conflict involving fascists, communists and anarchists, but There Be Dragons doesn’t give you enough insight into the ideology of the conflict, which means unless you have the required prior knowledge you don’t really understand where our central characters fit on the ideological spectrum. Similarly, unless you already have an understanding of Opus Dei, it is not until the epilogue notes that you are informed about the significance of Escriva. So while the picture has some quite impressive moments, particularly visually, the fact that you don’t gain any particular insight into either Opus Dei or the Spanish Civil War is disappointing.

Duncan McLean


2 thoughts on “There Be Dragons: Blood and Country”

  1. I watched the video last night and i would suggest that an understanding of the complexities of the ‘backdrop’ of the Spanish Civil War and the political or spiritual depts of the chief protaginists was necessary as the film depicts the ‘child like faith’ of spiritual beliefs and the dark unfathomable despair of anger- the two brothers with Bibilical parables is a theme all people wrestle with – the hope and the light that transcends our bad choices through true love and forgiveness is the ressurected truth so beautifully portrayed in a simple yet profoundly touching movie. I loved it.

  2. Dear Mr McLean, it would be good to write the above review in a little more objective way instead of echoing Dan Brown. Firstly, you call Opus Dei a “secretive” organisation. I do not clearly know what you mean by this; all the information on The Work are publicly available through a number of official OD web pages. As the privacy of individual members is treated seriously, you will not find names or addresses of the members there, which is quite obvious. But no catholic parish in the world publishes lists of their members – does this make them controversial?
    The film itself is not any kind of “answer” to Dan Brown’s story simply because it stands high above it both artistically, and as a form of entertainment.
    Its main theme, contrary to what you seem to think, is not Opus Dei, Spanish War or the history of the Church. This film is about Forgiveness, which you and other critics seem to reject.

    God bless you!


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