The Amazing Spiderman
(M) Sony DVD/BD
If it weren’t for the engaging performances of Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, this reboot — a mere four years after the original trilogy — would be an utterly pointless exercise.
Garfield seems to be able to bring energy and wide-eyed amazement, along with a healthy dose of humour, to the role of Peter Parker that Tobey Maguire was never able to. Maguire’s expressionless face and slightly vacant stares in the original trilogy never quite engaged enough to make the story interesting.
Critically, the chemistry between Garfield’s Parker and Stone’s Stacey gives the film its heart and soul. They are believable teens and their scenes together help congeal what could have been a rather bland reboot.
Originally billed as “The Untold Story”, the only new spin — excuse the pun — that this film adds to the story is that of Parker’s parents and their mysterious disappearance.
Another added bonus is the 3D technology that makes the viewer feel like they are the web-slinging superhero — something that worked a treat in theatres but is diminished in the lounge room.
Thematically, the film seems to reflect Matthew 7: 12 and Luke 6:31 in that we should treat others the way we would like to be treated, something Parker initially learns the hard way.
With a new villain in Rhys Ifans as Dr Curt Connors and the always watchable Sally Field as Aunt May, The Amazing Spider-Man is not utterly pointless. It will be interesting to see where the story goes.
Adrian Drayton