On Friday 6 July, the Uniting Church in Australia Synod of NSW and the ACT hosted a special screening and Q&A panel discussion on the documentary ‘Half a Million Steps’ at Knox Grammar.
The panel included the Moderator, Rev. Simon Hansford, Wayside Chapel’s Rev. Graham Anson, Liz Gal and Uniting Medically Supervised Injecting Centre Medical Director, Dr Marianne Jauncey.
‘Half a Million Steps’ documents the journey of 100 walkers who trekked from Dubbo to Sydney in October 2018 carrying a baton that contained a open letter to the NSW government calling for drug law reform.
The open letter penned by the Synod Moderator, Rev. Simon Hansford, calls on the Premier to treat drug addiction as a health issue instead of a criminal issue and increase the health treatment centres in regional and rural Australia.
‘Half a Million Steps’ is part of the Fair Treatment campaign led by Uniting and the Uniting Church Synod of NSW and the ACT.
Watch the Q&A panel discussion below:
Half A Million Steps from UCA Synod of NSW & ACT on Vimeo.
Find out how you can host a screening of ‘Half a Million Steps’ at your congregation here.