Mission Australia is seeking a record number of young people for Youth Survey 2019. With more than 28,000 young people participating in 2018, Mission Australia hopes to reach well over 30,000 participants in celebration of the annual survey’s 18th birthday this year.
With more participation, the charity will be able to provide a broader overview of the issues that are important to the health, mental health, and wellbeing of young people across the country. Mission Australia says it will release results in November and use these to advocate on behalf of young people.
This year’s Youth Survey also includes some new focus questions to better understand young people’s thoughts regarding bullying, disability, and whether young people have enough say about the issues that affect them.
The annual Youth Survey provides a snapshot of young Australians and offers many important insights that informs Mission Australia’s work, the work of other community groups, and government decision makers.
Mission Australia CEO James Toomey encourages young people across the nation to undertake Australia’s largest annual nationwide poll of young people.
“The views of Australian young people are invaluable. By taking an annual temperature check to find out what’s happening in their lives, it means that organisations like Mission Australia have access to current evidence so we can be a powerful voice on their behalf for the services and broader policy changes that they need, and that are proven to work,” Mr Toomey said.
“The more young people who get involved and who add their voice, the more inclusive, insightful and representative of the broader youth community the results will be.”
In 2018, four in ten (43%) young people identified mental health as the top issue facing Australia – up from 34% in 2017 and doubling since 2016. The top three personal concerns were coping with stress (43%), school or study problems (34%) and mental health(31%).
Mission Australia’s Youth Survey 2019 is open to all young people aged 15-19 who are living in Australia. You can take part in the survey here.
Youth Survey 2019 closes on 9 August 2019. Mission Australia will release results in late November.
Jonathan Foye is Insights’ Editor