Standing with young people to build a better future

Standing with young people to build a better future

In 2019 the Uniting Church in NSW and ACT resolved to support initiatives taken by young people in advocating for action on climate change, including the global climate strikes.

Uniting Church people across our Synod participated in the massive School Strike 4 Climate (SS4C) rallies held last September and in the online rally held on May 15.

SS4C and SEED Indigenous Youth Climate Network now ask their supporters of all ages to take part in a national day of action on September 25, calling on the government to “fund our future not gas”. 

COVID-19 recovery funds for our future – not gas

Australian communities have been hit hard by the dual bushfire and COVID-19 crises. Governments around the world are spending vast amounts of money to stimulate the economy in the wake of COVID-19. Right now we have an opportunity to build the future we, our children and grandchildren can all thrive in by creating clean jobs that care for country, climate and our communities.  

What are young people calling for?

In the Build our Future- Climate Justice and Jobs event on September 25 young people are urging us to join in their call for:

  • Resourcing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led solutions that guarantee land rights and care for country
  • The creation of jobs that fast-track solutions to the climate crisis and help communities recover
  • Projects that transition our economy and communities to 100% renewable energy by 2030

How you can support our young people and a better future for all

We ask Uniting Church members, friends and staff to support SS4C and the SEED Indigenous Youth Climate Network in two ways:

1. Participate in the September 25 Build Our Future action

Here are some ways you can take part:

  • Display a sign or banner with the message “fund our children’s future not gas”. A simple way to support this day is to make/display a sign or banner with the message “fund our children’s future not gas” in the leadup to the event and on the day. This can be a banner out the front of your church, a sign on your front fence, or you can simply take a selfie with your sign.  Wear something yellow as a visual symbol of your support.
  • Take a photo of your sign/banner and post it to social media, using the hashtags #BuildOurFuture and #TurnOffTheGas. Some climate action themed banners are available for free from the Synod – contact Jon O’Brien (, 9407 3225). The messages are: CLIMATE EMERGENCY: God didn’t create a Planet B, Act on Climate! Leave no one behind, Killing the Planet is Against Our Religion
  • Participate in the Common Grace online prayer rally in support of the day of action 
  • Support young people in your local area
  • Find out if there is a “Build Our Future” event registered in your area by looking up the Schoolstrike4Climate webiste and support it if you can, COVID-19 restrictions permitting.
2. Write a letter to your Federal MP

Write a letter to your local federal Member of Parliament urging an economic recovery based on renewable energy – one that will create jobs and a liveable planet.  To add impact and make it more fun, why not organise a group to write letters?

To support you the Climate Actions Task Group will be offering on-line Writing to your MP workshops [details coming soon]. These will provide tips on writing to your local federal MP and some information on why we need investment in renewable energy (not gas).

Alternatively, if you have several people in your congregation, presbytery or other group interested, contact Jon O’Brien (, 9407 3225) to organise a training.

You may feel confident to write your own letter straight away. ‘

Here are some resources that can help you:

The Uniting Church has long been concerned with the care of God’s earth. In 1988 the Rev Clyde Dominish spoke these words in his Moderator’s address titled ‘Love All Creation.’

No responsible Christian who believes that ‘in the beginning God created’ can ignore the issues of environmental pollution or the wholesale rape of the earth’s resources.

If you have any questions about the Build Our Future event or these suggestions, please contact Jon O’Brien in the Uniting Advocacy team on


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