Roundup: Faith and democracy, Occupy, Occupy, Occupy, engaging fathers

Roundup: Faith and democracy, Occupy, Occupy, Occupy, engaging fathers

Religion-friendly democracy and democracy-friendly religion

The basic point is this: on every side, in every quarter, wherever we look and analyse, religion is a powerful, motivating, determining force shaping the world around us. For some, this is final proof of the iniquity of religious faith. The answer, they say, is to abandon it. But for millions of people, faith is not measured in prejudice, intolerance or violence; but in love, compassion, a desire for and a striving for a more just and humane world.

Occupy Sacred Space

Reflections on an interfaith service in Zuccotti Park.

Faith overtones heard in Occupy protests but many religious leaders wary

The diffuse nature of the protests, which have no central leadership or agreed list of demands, make them a difficult partner for established religion even if they seem to share some basic values.

It’s quality time for dads

Scott Fairbrother has turned over a new leaf after receiving all the right tools through the Engaging Fathers Project.

Mic checked

How Occupy Wall Street occupies your heart.

New York protesters vow to struggle on after eviction

Despite a court ruling today that the violent eviction of Occupy Wall Street was not unlawful, New York activists say they refuse to give up and will regroup.


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