How you can ease the burden for those experiencing the financial strain of rising electricity costs?
As electricity price hikes start to affect many households, organisations like UnitingCare Kippax are encouraging those who can afford to pay their electricity bill to help those who are struggling to make ends meet.
Nearly 1 in 4 of households in the ACT are struggling to meet the rising costs of energy bills.
UnitingCare Kippax has launched its Power to the People appeal asking the rest of the ACT households to use the pain of increased prices as a prompt to make a donation to help those who are in much deeper difficulty.
While many people are feeling the pinch, most can manage. But there are many members of the community where the pinch has a much deeper impact.
One of the things that makes Canberra such a generous community is that it recognises and responds to people’s pain. This has been demonstrated so often in the past in times of crisis.
“The help we provide to others benefits our community as a whole,” said Gordon Ramsay, Executive Minister at UnitingCare Kippax.
“Your donation will make a real difference to people suffering the burdens of financial strain, to parents who are trying desperately to be better parents, and to children who have the right to the best in life that we can provide.”
Donations over $2 to UnitingCare Kippax are tax deductible. They can be made via the “Making a donation” link on the website, or by ringing 6254 1733, by mailing a cheque to PO Box 35 Kippax ACT or by bringing the donation to Kippax Uniting Community Centre, Corner Luke St and Hardwick Cres Holt.