Light Breaks Forth

Light Breaks Forth

Peter Edmonds et al, Darton, Longman & Todd

Light Breaks Forth is a series of reflections for each day of Lent 2012 from CAFOD, a Roman Catholic aid agency inEngland andWales, whose aim is to bring hope, compassion and solidarity to poor communities across the world.

Each short reflection is preceded by the lectionary readings for that day and includes a “Thought for the Day” and a short prayer based on the readings and reflection.

The reflections are insightful and thought provoking. Many also link specific current situations in our world with the biblical text.

For example, the reflection for the Friday after Ash Wednesday is centred around the Lenten practice of fasting. We are reminded that fasting can become an empty practice unless we also reflect on and practise the need to share what we have in the face of famine, such as that inEast Africa.

These Lenten reflections will not leave you comfortable or complacent, although they may shed more light on the biblical text. Rather, they will inspire and challenge you to be part of the “light breaking forth” in our troubled world.

This is an excellent resource as you journey though Lent this year.

Karyl Davison


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