Jack Reacher

Jack Reacher

(M) Paramount DVD, BD and Digital Download

The movie opens with the assassination of five innocent civilians by a crack sniper. The police believe it’s an open-and-shut case and are quick to arrest the suspect. But others are not so eager to jump to the same conclusion. Enter the District Attorney, Helen (Rosamund Pike) who believes the suspect to be innocent.

After the suspect asks for Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise), Helen gives it her all to get Jack him on the case and help her prove his innocence. And so the car chases, shot-outs, betrayal and tense lift scenes ensue.

Based on the highly popular Jack Reacher series by Lee Childs, this action crime thriller is a little short on twists and in parts is bordering on cliché, but the narrative has enough smarts to keep the pace moving and the action rolling until the end. Like any protagonist film, the conclusion lends itself nicely to another film. I get the impression this won’t be the last time we meet Jack.

Despite being slated for taking on the role, Cruise manages to pull off a convincing portrayal of Reacher (who in the books is a 6+ foot war veteran of solid statue).

Sarah Sullivan


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