When the real numbers are stacked against you

When the real numbers are stacked against you

 Christmas message from the Rev. Dr Keith Garner, CEO, Wesley Mission

Looking back at 2011 many of us might think it’s been a year shaped by the numbers game.

The Government has been dealing with getting the numbers ‘right’ in Parliament and the nation has been watching interest rates and inflation with intent.

We have been anxiously observing the numbers in Europe hoping that a ground swell of financial problems doesn’t wash across the world to our shores…

We think we have the numbers right.

Even our rival football codes have been engaging in a war of numbers for our hearts and minds.

For many Australians, however, the numbers game is more than just the daily round of figures in politics, economics or sport: it’s a day by day battle to make ends meet. The disadvantaged, the homeless, the isolated and the poor know what it’s like to have the real numbers stacked against them.

Many are living on the edge. It is perhaps here that the scandalous message of Christianity makes the most impact.

For other Australians the numbers game is about balancing the household budget, getting some breathing space in the work life/balance and navigating their way through increasing expectations in every aspect of life.

For far too many the numbers will seem overwhelming this Christmas. These people need more than just the Australian fair go ethic: they need a just and fair response from us all.

But it is the message of Christmas which provides a meaningful way. And it begins with the birth of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ came into this world so that we might be set free from the overwhelming pressures and expectations of our society.

The child born in humble surroundings is the Saviour of the world. His grace comes to us in the messy reality of our daily lives. His love is life changing: He calls us to a new way of seeing the world and a new way of relating to others.

It is a gracious and loving call that sets us free from emptiness and despair.

May you know and experience the real and life changing love of Jesus Christ this Christmas.


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