Remembrance Sunday Multi-faith Service

Remembrance Sunday Multi-faith Service

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12 Nov 2017
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

St James Anglican Church


More Details:

The address will be delivered by Reverend Graham Long AM, CEO Pastor, The Wayside Chapel.

His message has the theme of “God’s preference for the least likely”.

This reflects the citation for his AM: “for significant service to the community through the provision of support to vulnerable and marginalized people in Society”

The Service will be introduced by The Reverend Andrew Sempell, Rector of The St James Anglican Church and will include an Act of Remembrance and Commitment and participation by community leaders including from many Faith groups.

DRESS: Smart Casual / suits and large medals can be worn

Tickets will not be issued and enquiries should be directed to Jim Mein AM: mobile 0408 660 591 or by email to

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