The United World of Donald Trump

The United World of Donald Trump

Insults, racism, sexism and personal attacks. The race to the White House was loaded with the kind of vicious and degrading verbal abuse which kids are told not to do.

Countless things are incredible about Donald Trump winning the US Presidency. His victory speech is one of those things. Unexpectedly, it was — wait for it — humble, gracious and promised unity. Yes, unity.

“We will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us,” said Trump. “We expect to have great, great relationships.

“I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone. All people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility. Partnership, not conflict.”

These remarks — and others about re-uniting everyone in the United States of America — were from the same Donald Trump who wants to build a fence between the USA and Mexico. How the “You’re Fired” billionaire is going to encourage the world to group hug isn’t clear, apart from his vague references to doing things on American terms (“We will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us.“).

I know he’s a bit busy but here are a few tips on unity for Mr Trump:

      1. Mean it like you say it

        Everyone knows it’s totally uncool to not practice what you preach. Especially when you are talking up great things like unity. So, Mr Trump, you should walk like you talked in your speech. And while you’re at it, how about reconsidering whether you actually meant all the things you said on the campaign trail.

      2. Setting terms

        Anyone talking about finding common ground, not hostility, seems to be flying the unity flag. But Mr Trump’s references to relating well with the rest of the world were based upon “all other nations [being] willing to get along with us”. The terms of unity, then, are going to be set by President Trump and his nation. But, hang on a minute, is that right? Who says the USA can create the ground rules for world peace and harmony? How unifying can it be to have one powerful country telling others how they are going to “get along”?

      3. Perfect unity

        Unity is hard to achieve. Just look at all of human history — or the recent debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Division is more common than unity because unity requires us to compromise, collaborate or put the good of others before ourselves. And that’s hard. Looking after ourselves is way easier than thinking about everyone else. But, Mr Trump, turn to statements made in the third chapter of Colossians and consider where the perfect glue for unity is found: “Above all, put on love — the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of the Messiah to which you were also called in one body, control your hearts.” (Colossians 3:14-15)

Unity comes from sharing in the peace and love found in the Messiah, Jesus. Letting that control our hearts sets the terms for unity in a “perfect” way. This bond of unity is so strong and complete it means that the individuals within it can be called “one body”.

Mr Trump, your vague plans for world unity can be anchored in perfection. Like the rest of us, you’ve just got to go with those terms, not your own.

Ben McEachen




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