Visit to Auburn Mosque

Visit to Auburn Mosque

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24 Feb 2013
12:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Gallipoli Mosque

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More Details:

As part of a serious effort to understand Muslims better, the Wellspring Community is arranging a visit to the Auburn Mosque. This is being arranged by Dr. Doug Golding who is quite an expert on Christian Muslim relations. For example he is invited to big Muslims events in Sydney to give a Christian perspective  and has visited Iran as a guest of a major Muslin organisation.

This will be on Sunday 24th February at the Gallipoli Mosque. There are two alternatives.

You can meet at the mosque entrance at 1.25pm and have a talk by Doug Golding, tour of the mosque and then a discussion with Muslim leaders.

Otherwise you can meet around 12noon at the Mado Café,63 Auburn Road, have a meal together and walk to the mosque (five minutes away) at 1.20pm.

For further information , ring Clabon Allen on 9798 4663 or email Doug Golding on

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