Rise Retreat Sydney

Rise Retreat Sydney

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4 Jul 2019
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Bulayu House


More Details:

A Rise Retreat is an invitation to stop the madness and the noise, for a moment.

It is an invitation to slow down, quieten the spirit, and tune into the still, small voice of God, whispering to us by name, reminding us who we are and who God is.

On a Rise Retreat, you will have the chance to connect with others as much or as little as you want, and engage in new and ancient spiritual practices that are easeful, and nourishing.

If you long for unforced rhythms of grace in your life, come and join us for a time of spiritual refreshment.

Come and be with Jesus. He will help you recover your life, your heart, your fire.

Book Now.

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